Thursday, 5 February 2009

I am SOO teruk!!~

haha...teruknye la perangai...niat di hati nk blog cam nora..haha..last2 terbengkalai for almost 3 months now...ish2..but then byk mende yg terjd for the past months...winter hols at livigno italy..g main ice skating with hsemates n kak shida n abg lan(thanks a lot for driving us there)..blik2 from cuti plak exams!!..huhu n in 3 months...ak jatuh sakit 3 kali...a new record for a girl who claims to be immune to fever n flu2 nih...huaaaa...

N summore da dpt tajuk project for 3rd year...hehe...AUTISM..yay!!!
maka bertambah la lgi eye bags(cewahh cam ade je)...journals2 menanti utk dibace nih...xpe2 smpi juling mata akan ak bace...

Seb baek hal umah for next year da setel..hehe...rumah baru 5 rooms n yg jjang nye dkat with schools n we r gonna be neighbors with elena yg comel...kak shikin even da tempah siap2 babysitters...

Thanks to nora...i got my very own DBSK 2009 calendar today..joli2 katak tgk gmbr2 namja2 yg kacak2..waa.. can't wait for next month sbb Jae Joong's pict is on the cover...*excited mode*

oh yeah n 2moro kne praktis dikir barat..yes i am gonna do my first dikir barat ever in my life!!! strange how being away from Msia makes me appreciate the culture more...hehe moment berpatriotik kejap kot...but then sakit tekak n flu nih..bley ke berpop ye ye ngn smgt??!
mestila boleh kan..MALAYSIA boleh...(kan da ckp lbey2 smgt skit).haih..

ok gotta go back n read stats...t-test..yada yada...

1 comment:

neneknora said...

dikir barat and pop ye ye in one go? macam mane tu?