Monday, 3 November 2008

Just a quick recap...

of wuts happening to me rite now!!!~

ok's my 1st ever midterm 2moro...after like 1 year sumthing of honey-mooing....waaaa....and guess wut...

breath in....breath out...
pray2 for my success...plssss!!~

ke'cuak'an thp maximum...

oh piaget oh vigotsky oh.....sape lgi ye...???

sape suh study last minute..kan da menyesal...huhe...
aja2 hwaiting...


(masih berperasaan spt dianak tirikan kpm...sbb sy org bangor ke???)

Saturday, 1 November 2008


Life as a second year....

1) Totally 99.9% different from the 1st one..huhu...i think da lme x tido ptg..waaa.bgn subuh pun x brani nk tido da...starting minum2 coffee regime!~...last time i drank it on a daily basis was zaman2 SPM...

2) No more watching KOREAN DRAMAS on a daily basis...even nk stay up utk tgk drama pun x mampu...huahuahua..sdey je...dbsk...stakt MV je la...

3) It's been ages since I last log in to Cassiopeias' Family Forum...coz I'll end up merapu-ing there for hours..huhu...unnies n dong saengs.. cheongmal bogoshipo!!~

4) KPM da mule anak tirikan 2nd years..waaa...last time scholar was always on time...if not, earlier!! rse cam AT (anak terbuang)

5) Call rumah pun da jarang! Wednesday after weekly test (de weekly test lg tu) oni can call!~but luckily i have a family yg sgt supportive and I luv them all (sobzz2)

But i guess this is wut we call LIFE!...Baru skit n belum msuk alam 'mencari duit'...

Oh God, Please help me be strong!

Aja2 hwaiting!!!

NI yg kulihat bile bosan2 n tension...sorg bdk yg sgt cute (maknae wannabe)!!!!~haih...enjoy^^

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Dira's Tag Last Month..hihi

Mase utk langsaikan hutang...

kali pertama naek kapal terbang~

x igt kecik sgt time tuh...first time blik Msia sejak dilahirkan...bru 2 thun..gigi pun bru sbb ak ni dlm kategori 'anak yg baik lg comel'...maybe x buat hal kot...if nk kira yg igt dlm long term memory...time darjah 2 and 3..waktu g US ikut abah training...time tu best sbb kakak n abg2 dlm flight bg toys for free...igt lgi Min meragam dlm plane (sorry bg pihak Min)...
1st time naek sorg2 plak..hurmm last year pg UK...waaa...sedih-est moment bile tgk family thinking that u have another year b4 bley tgk blik....Duk kt pung2 MAS tu bertemankan kakak pramugari yg tggi giler(thanks akak teman sy kt blakng tuh)...Tp skng kan naek plane cam naek bas plak...thanks to easyjet n ryanair..haha...

kali pertama ke oversea~

mse dilahirkn...haha...x yah naek plane pun..kuar2 da smpi US..hebat ak? x igt pe la...hyn gambr2 je la yg ade...2nd time tu plak best sbb x yah skola...bgus btul...pastu blik2 Msia MOE buat PTS...haha...seperti dijangka la gue x lpas pun...da asyik blaja buat sotong gne kertas je kt US...mama ajar gak math n english tp sebtg haram pun x igt...1 thun yg penuh gumbira...duk umah 3 tingkt..mse duk rumah double storey kne pindah sbb nora suke lompat2 (ak n min ikut skali la tp nora ketuenye)..jiran mengamuk la kalo die x komplen x dpt la kami merasa duk umah besar tu...mekacih la makcik ye!

kali pertama duk berjauhan ngn family~

1st time...except for camps and all..time ak msuk PASUM...hihi...excited+takut coz 1st time duk luar rumah...xde mknn terhidang time ak ptt mkn, xde org gerak bgn subuh, xde tv, nk duk ngn org laen...msuk alam Uni la ktekan...around 6pm on the 1st day...mse da abis register n all, mse abah,mama n adik2 nk blik...sedey giler...I watched and waved them smpi x nmpk kereta da...tahan air mata coz rmi org..nnt malu...seb baek de dira(org yg tag gue nih)...ktorg duk 1 blik...hihi...act 1st time die gak duk ktorg sekufu la bab2 duk luar time tu..hihi...(dira how do we end up doing almost the same thing ya?) nite in d freshers' week,the awareness ke ptt diorg tnjk gmbr2 yg sgtla in the end,nk pendekkan cite, ak n dira yg penakut nih tido kt lantai berlapikn tilam bersama-sama...haha...bile fikir blik mmg rindu cik dira nih...

ingin melancong kah?~

sdg dlm proses..hihi...nk ambil peluang time2 student n byk duit(duit scholar la tp)...almaklumlah msuk alam keje2 nnt, no time to travel n berfoya-foya nih...aim 2010...KOREA..dae ha min guk!

favourite accessories~

there is this one watch that i had for almost 9 years now...abah bg at the end of standard still wearing it now...da pki lme sgt smpi rse janggal if i wear a different watch...even abah was shocked to see me wearing it a couple of years ago...hurmm maybe after ak hilang kan jam mama da x brani nk hilangkan jam lgi..or jam tu sgt kuat jodohnye dgn pe je frens yg x penah jmpe for the past 9 assured that i still wear that watch u guys saw 9 years ago..haha...
other than that, ak de quite a number of braceletes, rings, handbags, shoes...typical girl turning to woman stuffs la dong...nothing out of d ordinary pun.

4 perkataan yg slalu disebut~

hurmmm susah nye nih...
1) ye ke? - perkataan ke nih?
2) ngok la
3) urmmm
4) aah

seyes x tau cane nk jwb soklan ni...bile type rse ptt rephrase soklan jd 4 bunyi yg slalu dibuat~

kalau de duit juta,juta,juta

WOWOWO...which is impossible unless...hurmm xde pape la...nway kalo la ade...waa da stat berangan da ni...cri la berbagai cra nk beranak-anak kan duit tu...sedekah kt anak yatim or org yg x mampu, nk buat skola pendidikan khas yg best n canggih, nk g travel...ohmooo...bley abih ke juta22222 tuh??...haihh...lalalala land da nih...jgn jd cam uncle scrooge sudey!


Luqman the iron man!

Get well soon ok! I am praying for you..pasni bwk basikal elok2...(Tp best la kan sbb xyah g skola smpi bln 10)

Rahman n Taufiq plak~ jgn bwk basikal laju2 ok...

Min n good...blaja rajin2...doakn misi kurusku berjaya..haha...

ohmoo cam ahjumaaa la plak...

I miss u guys!

Luv ,

ur noona/onnie

Back In Bangor

Hi people!!!~

wow its been sooooo long since i made an entry to this blog..mianhe kt Msia no time (act malass giler) wanna do this blogging2 lar~

aahh another another country...must be the most boring raya ever...classes bru start...n on hari raya itself de 5 hours of it...(kematu pung2 ku) + sleepy giler (last nite tlg kak shikin msak utk opeh hse)...
talking about msak2 rye...hihi not that i did any..YET... but amazingly lemang bley dibuat ye puan2...menggunakan jeng3x...the ever so useful ALUMINIUM FOIL & BAKING x caya jer...
pastu dis year utk mndptkn smgt rye...gue n hsemate buat kuih raya!! (mama must be proud)..wpun x sesedap mama punye tp jdla~ sedap je...nak mkn meh rye kt rumah...hihi
time utk menyelesaikan hutang2 org yg telah menge'tag' ku...waaa bykkk!!! ~
OUT- for now

Wednesday, 4 June 2008


1. Plans for coming weekend?
Celebrate Aliaa's going away party at Kak Ida's house..probably start packing...wanna help??? badminton kot....

2. Significant event for today?
Today???aaaa....won a bid kt ebay for the first time!! all thanks to rin unnie...haha...dpt 1 white bolero yg x nmpk pun btg hidung kt bangor!...

3. Favourite food?
Currently having many...self- made egg tart!! haha...fruit cocktail made by akma...nyum2...tiramisu n brownies kak shikin!..wait question ask food bkn foods la hana...hehe...

4. Are you a TV freak?
Not a TV freak...I am a freak of what's inside the TV!!haha...yay!! next year we'll have Tv at our new home!

5. Chocolates or roses?
urmm BOTH??? greedy2..ish2...choc for the tummy...roses for the eyes! ok ape...?

6. Do you mind spending money for your loved ones?
Anio...buying sumthing for sumbody else washes away all the guilt of spending money for meself...hehe...good concept huh? :)

7. If you were to own a car, what is it?
IF...n that's a big if....urmm Mini Cooper satu!!!

8. Do you usually keep all your promises?
NOPE...i tried to, but i am only human..mianhe..

9. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend happens to confess that he/she has fallen for someone else? "Yang pegi jatuh kt org laen watpe???kan da malu...aigoo..da jgn nangis"...hehe

10. What do you do if you can’t sleep?
Watch DBSK in you tube smpi ngantuk...hehe...sight for sore eyes....(but if i watch DBSK...insomnia lg adela..)..reverse psychology..

11. How many friends do you have?
123456789...byk kan?..hehe

12. Last person you talked on the phone?
Chingu who's on the way back to Msia...not fair!!! haih kem slm la kt Msia...

13. Two names of people you love-
Sarang???? urmm KIM JAE JOONG and HERO...hahahahaha

14. If we open your bag, what will we find?
Flat purse, debriefing form from this morning's experiment, keys, water bottle, lip balm, phone, roti kering (bekalan mse depan)..hehe

15. Your sister/brother wants to borrow your clothes. How?
wear whatever u want...too many clothes to care

16. Your best friend falls for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
My best friend gonna marry b4 I way she's gonna fall for my boyfriend..haha

17. Are you comfortable going out with opposite gender often?
Depends...haih Bangor yg pupus ngn lelaki...sure gonna be awkward when I go back...feels like I'm in Convent again..aaahh the beautiful old days!

18. Horror, romantic, comedy, action movies.which do you prefer?
Romantic Comedy..hehe..I love watching shows that make me smile and make my heart flips..wuuu...hehehe

19. If a man says ure ugly,what would u do?
i will say..."siut tull...buat nye jodoh ko ngn ak cane??haaaa kan pdn muka"..hehe...(dlm hati...igt muka ko cam Jae Joong ke???x sedar diri)...

20. Do you mind going for a reunion?
Na ah..

21. Do you love your job?
YUP2...full time time student, 100% hamba...being a lovable daughter, nuna n unnie....i definitely love my jobsss..

22. Are you a type of person who always gives in?
Hah...I wish...I bet its everyones' wish...haha

23. Are you a good driver?
No comment...(bunyi cengkerik)

24. Last prize you won?
Hadiah tmpt ke-3 sukaneka family day Bangor....Choc fingers!...yummy2

25. Do you like ballet?
Tari Tualang Tiga lg besh...

26. Milk or coffee?

27. Meat or vegetables?
Fruits and desserts...hehe...xde dlm pilihan jwpn...mmg sengal la ak nih

28. 3 words to describe yourself -
urmm..ermmm...huh??... saye sgt comel...haha..bley ak???

Monday, 2 June 2008

1 bulan lagi!!!! longggg last :)

Yay!!! the countdown-to-one-more-month-b4-I'll-b-home has officially started!
Can't wait for the:

~ayam masak merah mamaku yg delicious lg sedap
~sayur betik blakang rumah yg fresh & most importantly...PEDAS!!!!
~kangkung masak belacan...(double waaaaaaa)
~KFC, McD, Pizza pelbagai rupe....huhu...
(aigoo mouth watering!!!)
~shops2 that will offer me heavens of dbsk merchandise...waaaaaaaaa...


URI FAMILY.......SARANGHAE (eventhough nora dongsaeng's only gonna be back in august)...huhu.. but still....can't wait to see mama, abah, min ,luqman, rahman and taufiq...n the look on their faces when they see how much weight I had gained in just 10 months!!! (ayat nora.." kak rin, hana makan ape nih?") ...i can more or less predict what they'll say...with nora's ayat as an indicator...hehe

juga can't wait to see adam kak hana nk blik da ni...u don't have to ask bik ina " bila kak hana & kak nora nak balik ni?"...also adil n anis zara yg cumil!!!!

hopefully, chitam will have a long life n greet me when i get home!!!hehe...altho i dont like chitam but i still miss him....(wait...chitam is a "he" kan??)...hehe...x mau pegang..nk tgk je ok! i am still the hana yg tkutkan kucing....lgi2 chitam yg besar n garang tp tua itu...

BUT...altho i am excited to go home and be all happy...also feel a bit sad...particularly when saying goodbye to my flatmates...uwaaaaaa....Lottie and Nicky went home last weekend...Katie MIA..dunno when she'll be back...Lucy and Kloe will be gone by the end of the week..and Akma...we have 2 more weeks to spend together b4 u go back to Brunei!!!...waaa...and Aliaa buat surprise by telling us she's gonna go back next Monday...huhu...I am definitely going to miss all the fun we had together! messing up the kitchen n letting the cleaners swore at the bin every Thursday morning...getting up at 5 am for the fire drill...getting false fire alarm 3 times a week (all thanks to mak cik cleaner yg forgot to turn off the hot water)...celebrating birthdays (and left me and akma to 'guard' the hall while u all go partying) and akma enjoying the feast after u all went out!...haha...
TOoOo many to write down here...but all in all, thanks for making me feel at home...and thanks for being such lovely flatmates...

Thank God for always sending wonderful people to be by my side...Alhamdulillah...komawayo!!

29 days to manchester~dubai~HoMe SWEET HoMe :)

Wednesday, 21 May 2008


Hahahaha...i can't believe i'm writing a blog at last!!!!...hehe congrats to me... n to those peeps who endlessly asked me..."when r u going to write a blog?" or..." do u have a blog?"...gamsahamnida u ppl...aka nora n fellow cassiopeians...( u all have to keep supporting me...arasso??)...

to ili: haha...lets c if this is going to be a blog about ME or....a couple of SOMEONE else's....hehe...we'll c yerr...

so now sit back, relax...and lets wait n wut future holds for this blog...jeng3...

am talking gibberish...forgive me minna-san..till then~

p/s: can't resist...have to put them sumwhere...dbsk hwaiting!!!!cassiopeia hwaiting!!!~haiihhh

~42 days to Malaysia~